In terms of their design, development, and updates, social media websites are subject to the terms and conditions of social media website operators and the privacy policies and terms of use issued by owners of social media websites. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs uses solutions and applications provided by social media websites, and it manages the content of social media websites and updates the content of MOFA webpages on such websites.
Information Sharing:
Users of social media websites may share the information posted via MOFA social media webpages in line with the privacy policy of each social media website. However, any update or change in the information-sharing policy is subject to the terms and conditions of social media websites. As a user of these social media websites, MOFA does not control the terms and conditions of information sharing of these websites.
The MOFA shall not be liable for any comments made on the MOFA social media webpages and shall not be held responsible for re-posting or retweeting any of the content on social media web pages.
Furthermore, MOFA is not be liable for any action taken after posting on any MOFA social media webpages, such as user comments after posting or re-sharing by other users. Additionally, the terms and conditions of comments are subject to the terms of social media website developers.
In many parts of the website, the user may have to sign in to social media websites. Logging into such websites is governed by the terms and conditions of the social media web developers.
Since the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a user of social media applications, it takes all necessary measures set by social media websites and developers to protect users' information. However, it must be noted that if users have submitted sensitive information through the site, MOFA shall not guarantee the protection of such information online or offline. Therefore, the privacy policy and terms of use is subject to the social media website developers.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall have the right to take all necessary measures, as it may think appropriate, to protect against any misuse or sharing of the information on its social media webpages, without referring to the users of its social media webpages. However, MOFA is not liable for any damage incurred by you or any third party due to any violation or breach of confidentiality of information submitted through the MOFA webpage.
Despite the strict measures in place to prevent any loss, misuse or alteration of information, MOFA does not guarantee your confidentiality following the use of this website. MOFA is not liable or legally responsible for any damage incurred by you or any third party due to any incident of violation or breach of confidentiality of the information, which you may have shared via the site.
This website contains links to third party websites. Therefore, MOFA is not be responsible for the privacy policies of social media website developers and operators. Users should be cautious when leaving our social media webpages to other pages, particularly those requiring personal information. Our Privacy Policy exclusively applies to the data collected through MOFA social media webpages only.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reserves the right to make any minor or significant modification to these Terms and Conditions, from time to time, without having to give any notice. Your continued use of social media webpages shall be construed as implied acceptance from your part of all the changes made to the Terms and Conditions.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not place any cookies to collect or forward information, and these are subject to the terms and conditions of social media websites developers.
Users' Code of Conduct:
Users of MOFA social media webpages are prohibited from doing the following (please note this is not a comprehensive list, and additional prohibitions may apply):
- Comments that are out of context or irrelevant.
- Words that connote sectarianism, discrimination, or words intended to offend anyone or their reputation or position.
- Comments that promote discrimination.
- Comments that promote illegal activity.
- Comments that violate any legal or intellectual property rights.
- Words that despise, taunt, or abuse religious or ideological beliefs.