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Address of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Jakarta

Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Blok C-4 Kav. 16-17, Kuningan Timur, Jakarta Selatan, 12950

Address of the Consular Office in Jakarta

Consular Office of The United Arab Emirates, Menara Sun Life Lt. 2, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Kuningan Timur, Jakarta Selatan, 12950

Emergency numbers in the Republic of Indonesia

Emergency/traffic accidents 112, ambulance 118, search and rescue 111, 115, 151, police 110, fire dept. 113

Inquiries regarding visas, legalization and citizen service

Please call the following numbers, Phone Number: 00622125985500, Fax: 00622157940086, Email:

The time difference between the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Indonesia

Indonesia time is 3 hours ahead of UAE time

Weather in the Republic of Indonesia

Indonesia has a hot, humid and rainy tropical climate, the temperature ranges between 20 and 33 degrees, and drops in high areas, reaching 10 degrees in some mountainous areas.

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