The Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship has started re-issuing visas for domestic workers into the country.
In a statement on Monday, the Authority also announced that it is to resume issuing entry permits for employees working for the country's government and semi-government organisations and other vital sectors.
The resumption of this service is within the framework of strengthening the country's efforts towards supporting recovery plans, the economy as well as the tourism industry. It is also in coordination with the National Emergency and Crisis and Disasters Management Authority.
Applicants can submit applications via the Authority's website with precautionary and preventive measures required at state borders, and must present a negative COVID-19 test before arrival into the country. Employers are required to ensure arrivals enter a 14-day quarantine period upon arrival, in coordination with concerning bodies.
The Authority added that it will continue to allow entry of domestic workers of all nationalities with valid residency permits as well as government, semi-government and vital sector employees, provided that their employers submit applications via the authority's website (
The Authority stressed the importance of adhering to the pre-testing procedures before visiting the country, as part of precautionary measures taken by authorities to confront the pandemic.