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  • Diplomatic relations arose between the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Guinea on June 2, 1995, the Federal Decree was issued on September 11, 2011 regarding the establishment of the country's embassy in Guinea Conakry and is currently represented by Ambassador/ Ahmed Nasser Al-Khaja and began his duties on September 22, 2017.
  • In addition, there is an embassy of the Republic of Guinea Conakry in Abu Dhabi and was inaugurated on February 6, 2005, and is currently represented by His Excellency / Al Hassan Sawari. 
  • The country has distinguished relations with Guinea Conakry, Guinea Conakry ranks No. 68 in the list of countries to which the UAE provides humanitarian aid, and the value of this aid in 2016 was $ 701,085. 
  • Guinea supported the UAE in the Expo 2020 campaign, and sent a letter confirming its participation in the Expo on October 18, 2016. Guinea Conakry signed the Statutes of the Arena in 2009 but has not yet been certified. 
  • Regarding the legal agreements with it, the main economic agreements have been ratified, which include an agreement to avoid double taxation on income and an investment protection agreement. 
  • As for the Air Transport Services Agreement, it was signed with initials and is pending with the Guinean side.
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