Introductory Note by the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Moroni
The United Arab Emirates and the United Comoros Republic are bound by unique relations that have witnessed remarkable developments in recent years, thanks to the directives of the visionary leaderships in the two countries. Our ties will keep developing and growing to ensure the world becomes well acquainted with this part of the Arab world and its unique characteristics in terms of its geographical location and its strong social fabric.
The closely-knit community here in Comoros exudes an amazing energy, which foretells a bright future, as well as a new significance to be added to the deep history of the people of the islands.
I have only spent a brief time so far among my Comorian brothers, but I have seen first-hand how great these people are in their adherence to their values, especially the tolerance they show, which is instrumental in creating the catalyst for further civilizational development and for the integration of its components.
I can see that the citizens and government of the United Comoros Republic are ready to be a new beacon located between several continents to attract knowledge and to become a new destination for mega projects and investments in the fields of transportation, agriculture, tourism, and mining.
I can also see a new gateway opening between Asia and Africa, from which convoys will pass, coming from the east, west, north, and south. This will mainly bring about benefits to the population of Comoros, who will be running huge investments, and controlling valuable resources, which requires tireless work towards attracting knowledge and ensuring sustainable resources.
I am proud to be here among you, and proud of the strong and well-established relations between the United Arab Emirates and the United Comoros Republic, a bond that goes beyond the traditional meaning of international relations. We are brothers, and our joy will be great when this country turns into a new global economic hub.
Saeed Mohammed Murshid Al Maqbali
United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the United Comoros Republic
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